Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blessed Alexandrina da Costa (1904-1955)

A young woman from Portugal who generously offered to suffer as a victim soul for the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart. She lived on the Eucharist for the last 13 years of her life.

Jesus told her: “Give me Eucharistic souls” “You are living by the Eucharist alone because I want to prove to the world the power of the Eucharist and the power of my life in souls.”

“Keep me company in the Blessed Sacrament. I remain in the tabernacle night and day, waiting to give my love and grace to all who would visit me. But so few come. I am so abandoned, so lonely, so offended…. Many…do not believe in my existence; they do not believe that I live in the tabernacle. They curse me. Others believe, but do not love me and do not visit me; they live as if I were not there… You have chosen to love me in the tabernacles where you can contemplate me, not with the eyes of the body, but those of the soul. I am truly present there as in Heaven, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.”

“I give you all that is Mine, that you may give it to the whole of mankind, whose protectress I appoint you. Should anyone invoke your name when you are in Heaven, they will never do so in vain. You are going to be powerful with the All-Powerful.”

Novena Prayer:
O Jesus, Who art pleased with simple and humble persons, who are so often ignored, forgotten and despised by men, raise to the glory of Thy altars Thy humble Servant Alexandrina, who always desired to live hidden from the world and aloof from its vanities and praises. Thou well knowest, Lord Jesus, how in our times there is need of lessons in holiness, which is the true fulfillment of every human and Christian vocation and, consequently, the elevation of a creature to the supreme height of moral beauty.
Invest then, O Jesus, Thy Servant with the immortal halo of glory and hear our prayers, which we, through her intercession offer to Thee; especially grant us the favor which we ask if it be for the honor of Thy Blessed Name, the glory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the salvation of sinners, on whose behalf the pious Alexandrina so wholly and generously offered herself as a victim. Amen.

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