Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sr. Josefa Menendez (1890-1923)

On the night of 24th February 1921 Jesus gave her an explicit call during her Holy Hour: "The world does not know the mercy of My Heart," He said to her. "I intend to enlighten them through you.… I want you to be the apostle of My love and mercy. I will teach you what that means; forget yourself." And in answer to the fears she expressed: "Love and fear nothing. I want what you do not want, but I can do what you cannot. It is not for you to choose, you have only to resign yourself into My Hands."

"I have chosen you to be a victim of My Heart" (12/19/20). "You are the victim of My love " (10/2/20 and 11/23/20). "You are the victim of My love and mercy" (6/30/21). "I want you to be the victim of divine justice and the comfort of My Heart" (11/5/20).

"Remember My words and believe them. My Heart has but one desire, which is to enclose you in It, to possess you in My love, then to make of your frailty and littleness a channel to convey mercy to many souls who will be saved by your means. Later on, I will reveal to you the burning secrets of My Heart and many souls will profit by them. I want you to write down and keep all I tell you. It will be read when you are in Heaven. Do not think that I make use of you because of your merits, but I want souls to realize how My Power makes use of poor and miserable instruments."

Nothing was imposed on her by God; He did not force His reluctant creature, but with divinely consummate skill He pursued His purpose of obtaining her consent. At each recoil of Josefa's fears, Our Lord left her without reproach; but His departure so disturbed Josefa that she made a more than ever generous acceptance. By degrees Our Lord unfolded His plan: Josefa was chosen by Him, not only to be a victim for souls, especially for consecrated ones, but that through her Christ's Message of love and mercy might reach the world. A twofold mission -Victim and Messenger.

"Help Me," He would say, "help Me to make My love for men known, for I come to tell them that in vain will they seek happiness apart from Me, for they will not find it. Suffer, Josefa, and love, for we two must win these souls".

We get an inkling of the intense love of the Sacred Heart from that of Josefa for these same souls; it was so real and true that it could have been inspired only by Him.

Infinite Mercy, too, is manifested by Josefa's life. "I will love you," He told her, “and by the love I have for you souls will realize how much I love them. Since I forgive you so often, they will recognize My mercy." He even said to her one day: "I love souls even to folly"

On 13th November, shortly before her death, Our Blessed Lord had said to Sister Josefa: "My words will be light and life for an incalculable number of souls, and I will grant them special graces of conversion and illumination."

Novena Prayer

Oh Jesus, full of grace and charity, Victim for sinners, so impelled by Love for us that You willed to die on the Cross, I humbly beseech You to glorify in heaven and on earth the Servant of God and Victim Soul, Sr. Josefa Menendez, who faithfully participated in Your Passion and shared Your sufferings, to prepare the way for the devotion to the Divine Mercy, for the salvation of souls, and for the glory of Your Heavenly Father. With confidence I beg You to grant me, through her intercession, the Grace of (name request).

Say one decade of the Rosary, or one decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Glory be to the Father... (three times)" In honor of Sr. Josefa

Please send graces received through her intercession to:
Piero Galavotti Proto Notario Apostolico S.C. Causa Santi 00120 Citta' Del, Vaticano

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