Exorcist: “Speak the truth, Beelzebub, speak, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost, of the Immaculate Conception, of St. Michael the Archangel! Lucifer is forbidden to prevent you from speaking!”
B: “I must also say of what great value these “wretched” little prayer cards and holy pictures are...You must proclaim this from the pulpits, and this must be written in your little book. Principally, holy pictures with promises on the back are of great value. You must let people know about the promises made to devout souls. Many people do not know them, never having read about them. In the picture of the agony of Christ, where Christ is kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane with the chalice, there is a prayer to which important promises are attached. You must also mention the picture of the merciful and compassionate Jesus, and the Rosary of Our Lord of Mercy (Divine Mercy) to which He has attached wonderful promises. These little pictures (leaflets) should be kept in stock and distributed everywhere. Piles of them, and well, you cannot throw them at people, or force them to take them, but they should be pressed upon them. You really are stupid, absolutely stupid...such pictures, such promises, such privileges...and you do not make use of them, at least most people do not make use of them. There are many such pictures for instance: St. Bridget of Sweden (15 Promises) and the Sacred Heart. The devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is scarcely practice at all today. Wonderful promises are also attached to the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The perfect devotion of St. Grignion of Montfort has also largely fallen into oblivion. You would frame in gold these pictures that I have just spoken of, particularly those of the Holy Face, of the Agony of Christ, of our merciful Jesus, those pictures and also the Rosary if you know of what value they are (he howls terribly) . The devotion to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with their great promises, the Rosary of Mercy, the contemplation of the bitter agony of Christ and the devotion to the Holy Face, these five things are the most important. Propagate them wherever you can. She (pointing upwards) wishes it. You must speak of them in your sermons. These devotions have great virtues in them. Many people, if they had known this, or if they had always prayed them, would have been converted or would never have fallen so far (he groans).