Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sometime after the 1960’s, a little known exorcism occurred in Switzerland to a woman. It was witnessed by five Swiss priests or monks, one German priest and one French doctor of psychiatry. The consensus was that this was permitted by God for a greater good. What makes this particular case so interesting is that the Blessed Virgin Mary ordered the demons to confess certain truths through the mouth of this woman. Some people have objected as to why God would use the devil, who can’t be trusted, to confess truth. The answer is that God’s ways are mysterious and that He can do whatever He wants. But it is to be noted that other saints have also encountered demons who have also unwillingly confessed truths to them such as St. Dominic and others. The exorcism was recorded and this is what the demons were forced to say to the exorcists about prayers with promises.

Exorcist: “Speak the truth, Beelzebub, speak, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Ghost, of the Immaculate Conception, of St. Michael the Archangel! Lucifer is forbidden to prevent you from speaking!”

B: “I must also say of what great value these “wretched” little prayer cards and holy pictures are...You must proclaim this from the pulpits, and this must be written in your little book. Principally, holy pictures with promises on the back are of great value. You must let people know about the promises made to devout souls. Many people do not know them, never having read about them. In the picture of the agony of Christ, where Christ is kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane with the chalice, there is a prayer to which important promises are attached. You must also mention the picture of the merciful and compassionate Jesus, and the Rosary of Our Lord of Mercy (Divine Mercy) to which He has attached wonderful promises. These little pictures (leaflets) should be kept in stock and distributed everywhere. Piles of them, and well, you cannot throw them at people, or force them to take them, but they should be pressed upon them. You really are stupid, absolutely stupid...such pictures, such promises, such privileges...and you do not make use of them, at least most people do not make use of them. There are many such pictures for instance: St. Bridget of Sweden (15 Promises) and the Sacred Heart. The devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is scarcely practice at all today. Wonderful promises are also attached to the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The perfect devotion of St. Grignion of Montfort has also largely fallen into oblivion. You would frame in gold these pictures that I have just spoken of, particularly those of the Holy Face, of the Agony of Christ, of our merciful Jesus, those pictures and also the Rosary if you know of what value they are (he howls terribly) . The devotion to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with their great promises, the Rosary of Mercy, the contemplation of the bitter agony of Christ and the devotion to the Holy Face, these five things are the most important. Propagate them wherever you can. She (pointing upwards) wishes it. You must speak of them in your sermons. These devotions have great virtues in them. Many people, if they had known this, or if they had always prayed them, would have been converted or would never have fallen so far (he groans).

This devotion owes much to the humble Franciscan lay brother, Fra. Lepoldo, who died in odour of sanctity in 1922. Gifted with a deep sense of mental prayer, he became the confident of Jesus Crucified who inspired him the prayer of the DEVOTION TO JESUS CRUCIFIED. Approved and granted indulgences, the prayer was translated into various languages and distributed by the millions of copies throughout the world. By granting extraordinary graces to those who practise it. God has shown that it was extremely agreeable to Him. In 1912 Fra. Leopoldo became acquainted with Fra. Teodoreto, a member of the Brothers of the Christian Schools' Institute. Henceforth Our Lord revealed to his confident that He had chosen this Institute to diffuse the DEVOTION TO JESUS CRUCIFIED.

Our Lord to Leopoldo: Go and write down that it is I, your Jesus, who has guided you when you wrote the words of the saintly DEVOTION / ADORATION TO JESUS CRUCIFIED. You shall tell the members of the pious Union that I love them immensely, that their work is rather light as compared to the infinite reward I have in store for them.

You could not have shown me more love than by distributing the leaflets of the Adoration, so that they reach generous souls who will make reparation to my Divine Person (10-X-08).

When I ask you if you love me, I do not mean you only and directly. My wish is to be loved through the Devotion to the Most Holy Crucifix which I want spread throughout the whole world (1-1-09)

The penance I give you is to make me loved throughout the whole world by means of the Devotion (13-1-09).

In truth, I tell you, the homes where this Devotion is practiced shall be blessed (29-1-09).

After your death, I will show you all the souls who have obtained salvation through the Devotion. A soul dedicated to this saintly Adoration shall not be damned (1-V-09).

Those who practice the Adoration of the Most Holy Crucifix with faith and love shall enjoy eternal happiness (23-VIII-09)

Be it known to you, Leopoldo, that I, your tender love, Jesus Crucified, rejoice with a noble and sublime happiness at being glorified through you on earth when you instill the saintly Devotion / Adoration. If I desire so much having it known, it is that, without this Cross sanctified by my Precious Blood, nobody whould enter paradise (16-XII-09).

You shall hear of the great marvels I will operate in those practising the saintly Devotion (18-1-12).

I will give a very ardent faith to those who will practise the saintly Adoration and I will continue to feed them with it (7-1-13).

Do you know why I love you so? It is because, in addition to your loving me, you make me loved as much as you can through my Devotion (19-XI-08).

Leopoldo, as long as you practice the saintly Adoration, you may rest assured that no evil will ever befall you (18-VI-18).

Continue working in my vineyard, strive constantly to spread my Devotion more and more, because it is my own. Remember the holy enterprise: instill and diffuse the saintly Adoration throughout the whole world.

The souls who love me shall find me near them in the saintly Adoration, and I will be their sanctification. Here are the graces and blessing I will grant profusely to my devotees. I will grant them the gift of tears, the compunction of the heart, and the food most necessary to their souls.

The Blessed Virgin Mary to Fra. Leopoldo: You rank first among the merchants of the world because your product, the Devotion to Jesus Crucified, is so agreeable to God that it gathers for yourself inestimable treasures for eternal life.

The Blessed Virgin Mary to Fra. Leopoldo: Those who like to worship my Divine Son Jesus Crucified, gain merits not only from Him but also from Me, his Mother. I fill their hearts with the sweetest consolations. Continue doing as you do now: love my Son and make Him loved through the Devotion to the Holy Crucifix, by inviting people to practice it. Your mission is to introduce the Holy Devotion / Adoration to the Most Holy Crucifix into all the Christian families, under the leadership of the holy Father.

O my most amiable Lord Jesus Crucified, prostrated in the deepest respect, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels und the Blessed of Heaven, I adore the most holy Wound of your right Hand. I thank you for the infinite love which prompted you to suffer so many and so atrocious sorrows as a reparation for my sins which I detest with all my heart. I beseech You to grant to the Holy Church victory over its enemies, and to all her sons to walk saintly on the way of your commandments.

O my most amiable Lord Jesus Crucified, prostrated in the deepest respect, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels and the Blessed of heaven, I adore the most holy Wound of your left Hand. I beg your mercy for the poor sinners and for the dying, especially for those who are not willing to be reconciled with you.

O my most amiable Lord Jesus Crucified, prostrated in the deepest respect, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels and the Blessed of heaven, I adore the most holy Wound of your right Foot. I beg of You the grace that in all the clergy and among the persons consecrated to You may spring up numerous flowers of sanctity.

O my most amiable Lord Jesus Crucified, prostrated in the deepest respect, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels and the Blessed of heaven, I adore the most holy Wound of your left Foot. I pray to You for the liberation of the souls in Purgatory, especially those who during their lifetime were the most devoted to your holy Wounds.

O my most amiable Lord Jesus Crucified, prostrated in the deepest respect, with the Most blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels and the Blessed of Heaven, I adore the most holy Wound of your Sacred Side and I beseech You to bless all the persons who recommend themselves to my prayers, and to grant their request.

O my most amiable Lord Jesus Crucified, your Holy Face has been disfigured by the wickedness of men and by our sins. You have taken upon yourself the chastisement that brought us peace. The crown of thorns lacerated your Skull, your venerable Brow, your Sacred Head, Temple of the Divine Wisdom. I love You and I adore You, Lord Jesus. The Wound of your bruised Shoulder, the Wounds of your torn Knees and those inflicted by your atrocious Flagellation are all mouths loudly proclaiming your love, amiable Savior. I associate my humble life to your merits and sorrows, Host of Mercy, with You I offer myself to the glory of the Father. Amen.

Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, pray for us.
My Jesus, pardon and mercy, through the merits of your Holy Wounds.
Eternal Father, I offer You the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal those of our souls.

PATER: Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, an lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

AVE: Hail Mary, full of grace! the Lord is with Thee, blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

GLORIA: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

O my most amiable Lord Jesus Crucified, deign to enrich these prayers with the merits of your Passion. Grant me sanctity of life, the grace of receiving the Sacraments at the hour of my death, and eternal glory. Amen

Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde to the Holy Wounds

Glory be to Thee, most gracious, most sweetest, most benign, sovereign, transcending, effulgent and ever peaceful Trinity, for the roseate Wounds of Jesus Christ, my chosen and only love. (5 times)

(To be said after each 5 repetitions)
Oblation: O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, accept this prayer, with that surpassing love, with which Thou didst endure all the Wounds of Thy most Holy body. Have mercy on me, and on all sinners, and on all the faithful, living and departed. Grant them grace and mercy, remission of sins, and everlasting life. Amen.

When St. Gertrude had recited this prayer 5,466 times, in honor of all the Wounds of our Lord Jesus, He appeared to her in vision, having on each Wound a rose flashing with a golden splendor, and greeted her tenderly, saying: “Behold, I will appear to thee, in this refulgent form at the hour of thy death, and I will cover all thy sins, and adorn thee with a glory, like that with which thou has adorned my Wounds by thy salutations; and all who use this or any similar devotion shall receive the like favor.” In order to make up this number, and become a partaker of this promise of Christ, say the following prayer five times a day for three years, adding the oblation, which our Lord directed to St. Mechtilde to repeat after each division of five.

Jesus Speaks of His Blessing to Theresa Neumann (Victim Soul)

"My dear Child, I wish to teach you to receive My Blessing with fervor. Realize that something vast takes place when you receive the Blessing of my Priest. The Blessing is an outpouring of My Divine holiness. Open your soul and let it become holy through the Blessing. The Blessing is a heavenly dew for the soul, through which all that is done can be made fruitful.
"Through the power to bless, I have given the priest the power to open the treasury of My Heart and to pour out from It the 'rain' of graces on souls. When the priest blesses, I bless. Then a vast stream of graces from My Sacred Heart flows into a soul to its fullest capacity. By recollection, keep your heart open, in order not to lose the benefit of the Blessing. Through My Blessing, you receive the grace to love, strength to endure suffering, and assistance for body and soul.
"My holy Blessing contains all help for the necessities of mankind. Through the Blessing you are given the strength and desire to seek good, to shun evil, and to enjoy the protection of My children against the powers of darkness. It is a great privilege when you are permitted to receive the Blessing. You cannot comprehend how much mercy I extend through it to you. Therefore, never receive the Blessing in a matter-of-fact or thoughtless way. As poor as you are before receiving the Blessing, you are rich after receiving it. I regret that the Blessing of the Church is so little prized and so seldom received. Your good will is strengthened through the Blessing, your undertakings receive My special Providence, your weakness is overcome by my power, your thoughts and intentions are spiritualized, and all bad influences neutralized. "I have given My Blessing vast power. It proceeds from the unending love of My Sacred Heart. The greater the zeal with which the Blessing is given and received, the greater its efficacy. Whether a child is blessed or the whole world simultaneously, the Blessing is far greater than a thousand worlds. Reflect that God is immense - infinitely immense. How small are all things in comparison to Him! It is all the same whether one or many receive the Blessing. This does not matter, for I give to each according to the measure of his or her confidence (or faith). Since I am infinitely rich in all good, you are permitted to receive without measure. You cannot hope too much from my Blessing; all will exceed your fondest expectations. "My child, protect all that give Blessings. Esteem highly what has been blessed; then you will please Me, your God. As often as you are blessed, you are united closer to Me, sanctified anew, healed with, and protected with the love of My Sacred Heart. Outpouring of the Sacred Heart "Often I keep hidden the workings of My Blessing so that it is known only in eternity. Often it appears that Blessings have no results. But wonderful are the workings of the Blessing - even the seemingly fruitless results are a blessing in disguise through the holy Blessing. These are often mysteries of My Providence, which I do not wish to manifest. "My Blessings often produce effects unknown to the soul. Therefore, have great confidence in this outpouring of My Sacred Heart, and reflect earnestly on this favor to you (that the apparent results are hidden from you).

Receive the holy Blessing sincerely, for the graces of the Blessing find entrance only into a humble heart. Receive it with a good will and with the intention to become better; then will the Blessing penetrate to the depths of your heart and will produce its effects. Be a child of the Blessing; then you yourself will be a Blessing for others."

Sr. Josefa Menendez (1890-1923)

On the night of 24th February 1921 Jesus gave her an explicit call during her Holy Hour: "The world does not know the mercy of My Heart," He said to her. "I intend to enlighten them through you.… I want you to be the apostle of My love and mercy. I will teach you what that means; forget yourself." And in answer to the fears she expressed: "Love and fear nothing. I want what you do not want, but I can do what you cannot. It is not for you to choose, you have only to resign yourself into My Hands."

"I have chosen you to be a victim of My Heart" (12/19/20). "You are the victim of My love " (10/2/20 and 11/23/20). "You are the victim of My love and mercy" (6/30/21). "I want you to be the victim of divine justice and the comfort of My Heart" (11/5/20).

"Remember My words and believe them. My Heart has but one desire, which is to enclose you in It, to possess you in My love, then to make of your frailty and littleness a channel to convey mercy to many souls who will be saved by your means. Later on, I will reveal to you the burning secrets of My Heart and many souls will profit by them. I want you to write down and keep all I tell you. It will be read when you are in Heaven. Do not think that I make use of you because of your merits, but I want souls to realize how My Power makes use of poor and miserable instruments."

Nothing was imposed on her by God; He did not force His reluctant creature, but with divinely consummate skill He pursued His purpose of obtaining her consent. At each recoil of Josefa's fears, Our Lord left her without reproach; but His departure so disturbed Josefa that she made a more than ever generous acceptance. By degrees Our Lord unfolded His plan: Josefa was chosen by Him, not only to be a victim for souls, especially for consecrated ones, but that through her Christ's Message of love and mercy might reach the world. A twofold mission -Victim and Messenger.

"Help Me," He would say, "help Me to make My love for men known, for I come to tell them that in vain will they seek happiness apart from Me, for they will not find it. Suffer, Josefa, and love, for we two must win these souls".

We get an inkling of the intense love of the Sacred Heart from that of Josefa for these same souls; it was so real and true that it could have been inspired only by Him.

Infinite Mercy, too, is manifested by Josefa's life. "I will love you," He told her, “and by the love I have for you souls will realize how much I love them. Since I forgive you so often, they will recognize My mercy." He even said to her one day: "I love souls even to folly"

On 13th November, shortly before her death, Our Blessed Lord had said to Sister Josefa: "My words will be light and life for an incalculable number of souls, and I will grant them special graces of conversion and illumination."

Novena Prayer

Oh Jesus, full of grace and charity, Victim for sinners, so impelled by Love for us that You willed to die on the Cross, I humbly beseech You to glorify in heaven and on earth the Servant of God and Victim Soul, Sr. Josefa Menendez, who faithfully participated in Your Passion and shared Your sufferings, to prepare the way for the devotion to the Divine Mercy, for the salvation of souls, and for the glory of Your Heavenly Father. With confidence I beg You to grant me, through her intercession, the Grace of (name request).

Say one decade of the Rosary, or one decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Glory be to the Father... (three times)" In honor of Sr. Josefa

Please send graces received through her intercession to:
Piero Galavotti Proto Notario Apostolico S.C. Causa Santi 00120 Citta' Del, Vaticano

Blessed Alexandrina da Costa (1904-1955)

A young woman from Portugal who generously offered to suffer as a victim soul for the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart. She lived on the Eucharist for the last 13 years of her life.

Jesus told her: “Give me Eucharistic souls” “You are living by the Eucharist alone because I want to prove to the world the power of the Eucharist and the power of my life in souls.”

“Keep me company in the Blessed Sacrament. I remain in the tabernacle night and day, waiting to give my love and grace to all who would visit me. But so few come. I am so abandoned, so lonely, so offended…. Many…do not believe in my existence; they do not believe that I live in the tabernacle. They curse me. Others believe, but do not love me and do not visit me; they live as if I were not there… You have chosen to love me in the tabernacles where you can contemplate me, not with the eyes of the body, but those of the soul. I am truly present there as in Heaven, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.”

“I give you all that is Mine, that you may give it to the whole of mankind, whose protectress I appoint you. Should anyone invoke your name when you are in Heaven, they will never do so in vain. You are going to be powerful with the All-Powerful.”

Novena Prayer:
O Jesus, Who art pleased with simple and humble persons, who are so often ignored, forgotten and despised by men, raise to the glory of Thy altars Thy humble Servant Alexandrina, who always desired to live hidden from the world and aloof from its vanities and praises. Thou well knowest, Lord Jesus, how in our times there is need of lessons in holiness, which is the true fulfillment of every human and Christian vocation and, consequently, the elevation of a creature to the supreme height of moral beauty.
Invest then, O Jesus, Thy Servant with the immortal halo of glory and hear our prayers, which we, through her intercession offer to Thee; especially grant us the favor which we ask if it be for the honor of Thy Blessed Name, the glory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the salvation of sinners, on whose behalf the pious Alexandrina so wholly and generously offered herself as a victim. Amen.

Prayer to Jesus Agonizing on the Mount of Olives

O Jesus, through the abundance of Thy love, and in order to overcome our hardheartedness, Thou pourest out torrents of Thy graces over those who reflect on Thy most Sacred Sorrow in the Garden of Gethsemane, and who spread devotion to Thee. I pray Thee, move my soul and my heart to think often, at least once a day, of Thy most bitter Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in order to communicate with Thee and to be united with Thee as closely as possible.
O blessed Jesus, Thou, who carried the immense burden of our sins that night, and atoned for them fully; grant me the most perfect gift of complete repentant love over my numerous sins, for which Thou didst sweat blood.
O blessed Jesus, for the sake of Thy most bitter struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane, grant me final victory over all temptations, especially over those to which I am most subject.
O suffering Jesus, for the sake of Thy inscrutable and indescribable agonies, during that night of betrayal, and of Thy bitterest anguish of mind, enlighten me, so that I may recognize and fulfill Thy will; grant that I may ponder continually on Thy heart-wrenching struggle and on how Thou didst emerge victoriously, in order to fulfill, not Thy will, but the will of Thy Father.
Be Thou blessed, O Jesus, for all Thy sighs on that holy night; and for the tears which Thou didst shed for us.
Be Thou blessed, O Jesus, for Thy sweat of blood and the terrible agony, which Thou didst suffer lovingly in coldest abandonment and in inscrutable loneliness.
Be Thou blessed, O sweetest Jesus, filled with immeasurable bitterness, for the prayer which flowed in trembling agony from Thy Heart, so truly human and divine.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee all the past, present, and future Masses together with the blood of Christ shed in agony in the Garden of Sorrow at Gethsemane.
Most Holy Trinity, grant that the knowledge, and thereby the love, of the agony of Jesus on the Mount of Olives will spread throughout the whole world.
Grant, O Jesus, that all who look lovingly at Thee on the Cross, will also remember Thy immense Suffering on the Mount of Olives, that they will follow Thy example, learn to pray devoutly and fight victoriously, so that, one day, they may be able to Glorify Thee eternally in Heaven. Amen.

Promises to the devotees of The Agony of Jesus on the Mount of Olives
1. To all those who remember My Agony, with love and devotion, at least once a day: forgiveness of all sins and the certainly of salvation for their souls in the hour of their death.
2. Total and everlasting repentance to those who will have a Mass celebrated in honour of My Agonizing Suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane.
3. Success in spiritual matters to all those, who impress on others, love and devotion to My Agonies on the Mount of Olives.
4. Finally, and in order to prove to you that I want to break open a dam of My Heart so as to let flow a flood of My Graces, I promise those who spread this devotion to My Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, the following 3 graces:
a. Total and final victory over the worst temptation to which they are subjected;
b. Direct power to save poor souls from purgatory;
c. Great enlightenment and strength to fulfill my will.
All of these, My precious gifts, I will definitely give to those who carry out what I have said, and who, therefore, remember and venerate with love and sympathy, My great, incomprehensible Agony on the Mount of Olives. (San Giovanni Rotondo-1965)