Sunday, August 23, 2009

Precious Pearl Prayer to Jesus composed by St. Gertrude

"You are the life of my soul. May all the desires of my heart be united to you by Your burning love; may they languish and die whenever they turn to any object apart from You: for You are the beauty of all colors, the sweetness of all taste, the fragrance of all odors, the harmony of all sounds, the charm of all embraces! In You is the voluptuousness of delight; from You flows forth a torrent of love; to You are all drawn by your powerful attractions; and by You all receive the sweet influence of love! You are the overflowing Abyss of the Divinity! O King, greater than all kings; supreme Emperor, sovereign Prince, peaceful Ruler, faithful Protector! You are the vivifying gem of human nobility with the noblest sentiments! You are a Worker full of skill; a Master full of clemency; a Counselor full of wisdom; a Defender full of kindness; a Friend most faithful! You are the sweet savor of all delights! O gentle caresser, whose touch imparts healing! O ardent Lover, sweet and chaste Spouse! You are the Spring-flower of unchanging beauty! O loving Brother, beautiful Youth, joyful companion, liberal Host, careful Administrator! I prefer you to every creature; for You I renounce all pleasures; for You I seek all adversity; and in all this I desire only Your glory. My heart and lips testify that You are the quickener of all good. I unite, by the merit of Your love, the fervour of my devotions to the virtue of Your prayers, so that by the power of this Divine union, I may be raised to the highest perfection, and all rebellious movements may be calmed within me."

On the following Sunday, as Gertrude assisted at the Mass at which she was to communicate, and recited this prayer with much devotion, she perceived that our Lord was pleased with it, and she said to Him. "O most loving Lord! Since I perceive that these words are so agreeable to Thee, I will advise as many persons as I can to offer it to Thee devoutly, as a precious collar of pearls." Our Lord replied: "No one can give Me what is Mine; but whoever recites it devoutly shall feel his knowledge of Me increase, and shall receive light from My Divinity, which shall be showered down on him by the efficacy of these words; even as they who hold a plate of polished metal to the sun behold therein the reflection of its light." The saint immediately felt the effect of these words, for as soon as she had recited this prayer, she perceived that the surface of her soul became radiant with Divine light; and she found an increase of sweetness and pleasure in Divine things. (Revelations of St. Gertrude, Part 3, Ch. 54.)

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